Sunday, June 08, 2014

Strange Days


Seems appropriate to use a Doors reference for a headline today because the past week has, indeed, been a string of strange days and a door was involved.

This is the door on our downtown commercial building that was damaged in Thursday afternoon’s hellacious windstorm. It broke the hinge pins at the top and bottom of the door (red circles), but my fixit guy got it repaired for $200 on Friday.

The tenant also pointed out evidence of a roof leak that I supposed was a consequence of several tons of ice accumulating there during the ice/sleet storm in early March. I figured we might have an insurance claim that would exceed the $2,500 deductible, but it turns out it’s only a $150 sealing job.

Another line of storms swept through yesterday afternoon, but did no damage while it dumped about a half-inch of rain. The power stayed on and seems to be stable enough to consider sending the borrowed generators back home.

After three days in her new job as office manager for a Jonesboro dental practice, Maria is all smiles.

And it looks like Morgan will end up with a much nicer house as a consequence of Thursday’s water pipe flood/windstorm disaster. She’s bearing up admirably as she soldiers on to empty the house so repairs can begin.

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