Monday, June 09, 2014

Monday dog news

liesewindow Deb and Charlie have gone to Little Rock for Charlie’s multiple myeloma treatment, so their Weimaraner Liese is visiting Jack and Dora.

Liese is an emotional girl and she cried a lot last night. I think she wanted to sleep in the bed with us. We let her do that once during a thunderstorm several months ago, but she took up too much space, even in a kingsize bed.

After Liese’s parents retrieve her, another friend plans to drop off her dachshund for a week. Jack and Dora are getting lots of playdates and socializing this month.

I’m at Panera this afternoon, having driven in to town to deposit a rent check from one of the tenants of our downtown commercial property. I need to top off the tank on the Lexus at Sam’s Club and maybe cruise by Goodwill to see if I can find a gently used pair of jeans that fit me.

Just for the record, it’s raining again today. That’s five days in a row and the forecast calls for an 80% chance of rain tomorrow. I can almost hear the grass growing.

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