Saturday, June 07, 2014

Power’s on, generator’s quiet


When our generator failed to start yesterday, one of our neighbors lent us a spare. (Yes, some Arkansans have spare generators.)

I lived 62 years in Indiana and never needed a generator. This is the second time in our 6½-year sojourn here that we’ve been without power long enough to need one.

The power went out shortly after midnight Friday morning and finally was restored at 8:47 a.m. today. Judging from Facebook posts by the Craighead Electric Co-op, we were some of the last people in the county to get power back.

This all stemmed from a spectacularly destructive windstorm on Thursday, followed by another damaging storm yesterday. Who’s to say we won’t get more of the same in the next few days or weeks?

It’s amazing how much we rely on electricity.

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