Sunday, January 05, 2014

Watching the temperature drop

Looks like we’ve been spared the snow, but the cold front is advancing rapidly.

The temperature was 47 when I drove in to town for my morning workout at 10 a.m. Now, at 4 p.m., it’s down to 25 and still dropping.

It was well below freezing by 1 p.m. when I brought the Lexus into the garage. I’m glad I didn’t wait any longer because the doors were starting to freeze from the quarter inch of rain we got early this morning.

I suspect there will be lots of moviegoers at the Malco Theater on the southside of Jonesboro who come out to frozen doors this afternoon and evening.

A check of WISH-TV’s web site shows about a foot of snow in Lebanon and Jamestown, Ind., so I guess we’re in a better place.

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