Monday, January 06, 2014

Monday morning report

Yes, it’s cold. It was 9° at 9 a.m. and the forecast is for a high of 11° before it drops down to an overnight low of 7°.

But it beats the hell out of being snowed in without electricity in below zero weather in my old neighborhood in Indianapolis, trying to keep warm and waiting for the pipes to freeze and burst.

I’m sitting at my desk in the upstairs office, which – thanks to the lack of insulation in the garage roof – is the coldest place in the house. It’s 52° up here, but I’m reasonably comfortable in my heavy corduroy pants, a turtleneck and my Willis & Geiger Diaplex pullover.

We expected all of the area schools to be closed today because of the extreme (for northeast Arkansas) cold. But Maria got a call at 6 a.m. inviting her to be a substitute teacher at Greene County Tech Elementary School in Paragould, so we were up and gone before sunrise.

I’m sure her Subaru’s doors are welded shut from yesterday’s rain and plummeting temperatures, so I drove her to work in the Lexus which I had the foresight to park in the garage. The garage is unheated, but it was still 45° in there this morning. Just the right temperature to chill the Beck’s and Leinenkugel beer.

After a backyard bathroom break and breakfast, all three dogs are snugly ensconced in their kennels and nobody is complaining.

We had several power dropouts after midnight and Liese, the visiting Weimaraner found them very disturbing. The only way we could get her to settle down was to let her sleep on the bed with us, something Dora protested with a couple of WTF? barks.

I got back from taking Maria to work about 7:20 a.m. and there have been no dropouts since, so maybe the grid is stabilizing.

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