Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Home again, home again

strip perspective

I landed in Memphis about 9 o’clock last night and pulled into my driveway a minute or two before 11, home from a very fulfilling six days in Las Vegas with my son Steve and his family.

The visit exceeded my expectations. Steve is an excellent host and has grown into an admirable father, husband and musician.

Maria and I hit the gym this morning and we’re back into our routine. Jack and Dora seemed happy to see me and I think Dora grew during my absence.


Other than the portraits of Nicky, I’m not especially proud of the photography I did in Vegas. They all need HDR massaging to be anything but ordinary tourist stuff.

I’m still kicking myself for forgetting to take my super-fast f/1.4 50mm lens. I could have done such good work in Steve’s low-light performance venues.


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