Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday morning Vegas report

JMF_1719Steve had a gig last night at the Mandarin Bar, high atop the Mandarin Oriental luxury hotel on the Vegas Strip, so I tagged along.

The music was great, Steve’s playing was most impressive, and the audience was very responsive. The guitarist, who had the microphone and did the talking for the band, introduced me in the audience, which resulted in a moderately embarrassing round of applause, and thanked me for fathering Steve. Glad to oblige.

I took a stroll on the Strip before joining Steve and shot what I fear will turn out to be rather pedestrian photos once I look at them on my desktop computer at home. It will probably take some HDR enhancements to make any of them interesting to look at. I also caught the fountain show at the Bellagio on my iPhone video.

Nicky flew off to New York yesterday afternoon.

We  dropped Lisa off at school this morning and now we’re just hanging out until it’s time to head for the airport for my 1:45 p.m. flight to Memphis, via Salt Lake City.

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