Thursday, April 12, 2012


This is Suzi Barrett, a comedienne and actress who has become insanely popular on the strength of Esurance and Metamucil commercials.
More recently, she’s appeared in a Milo’s Kitchen Chicken Jerky dog treats commercial, which is unfortunate because it’s been linked with poison chicken products from China. She announced on her Facebook page that she’s asked her agent to get her out of the Milo’s Kitchen contract and kill the commercial.
I blogged about her in March, 2011, and that blog entry has become the most popular of anything I’ve posted in the 8 years I’ve been posting here. As of this morning, it’s received 18.9 percent of the pageviews since Blogger started tracking it.
When you Google her name, my blog comes up third or fourth.
The post has attracted lots of comments – some favorable, some snarky – but an anonymous poster left some disturbing stuff the other day:

Anonymous said...
I wasted two hours of Easter Sunday searching for nude pictures of Suzi Barrett, to no avail. I fell in love with her as the "cute Tech Nerd" on the esurance commercials I guess i have no life.
Sunday, April 8, 2012 12:15:00 PM CDT

Anonymous said...
I love ya, Suzi Barrett. I hope your career goes wel, with your snarky, sarcastic self. I hate L.A. too. we need more snarky, sarcastic people in the world, btw. I went to L.A. to be a famous screen-writer, and well, the studio people said "No Soup For You", so... i may try again, seeing im'm not dead or anything yet
Sunday, April 8, 2012 12:21:00 PM CDT

Anonymous said...
Suzi Barrett, do you read these comments? I hear you might possibly be gay. which is just fune with me I've supported gay, lesbian transgender rights for equality since i was fifteen. I'm a male of course.Oh, i watch Rachel Maddow religiously. I love you Suzi Barrett. I am thinking about forming a "Suzi Barrett religious cult.I am just likng
Sunday, April 8, 2012 12:29:00 PM CDT
“Anonymous” sounds like a creepy stalker to me. Anyone who takes Rachel Maddow seriously has some major issues.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that I'm not the only one to fall for this beautiful woman. If she does read these things I hope she knows that there are real fans that love her quirky and cute ways
