Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Internet’s down. Again.

b&wpanera The owner of our cable/internet/telephone provider remonstrated with me several months ago because I wrote some very unflattering things about the quality of service. His point was that I shot from the hip and blogged about the problem without first calling the company to report problems.

The record will show that I’ve called them at least a half-dozen times in the past couple of months about repeated outages. They sent a technician to our house and he confirmed that all of our connections are in order and that the problem is somewhere between the head-end and our place.

I edited a trailcam video around noon today and tried to upload it to YouTube, only to discover the internet was down. Ditto the telephone line. So I called them on my cell phone and was assured they had someone working on the problem. AT&T and satellite TV are looking better every day.

I can be detached about it because I wasn’t trying to snipe an auction on Ebay, but I’d be livid if that happened.

So I rode into town for coffee and Wifi at Panera, only to have my debit card declined because someone tried to use my card number to buy stuff in L.A. and Virgnia. Happily, MasterCard spotted the deviation from my shopping habits and shut it down. I rode a block to the bank, got the problem sorted out and a new card issued, and now I’m back at Panera.