Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rain gauge report

rainy april 27 11

A flash of lightning, a clap of thunder and Pete the Aussie creeps under my desk as the next round of storms begins this morning.

I empty the rain gauge every morning when I walk out to the newspaper box. Here’s the last three days worth of precipitation:

  • 8 a.m. Sunday to 8 a.m. Monday – .55 inches
  • 8 a.m. Monday to 8 a.m. Tuesday – 1.1 inches
  • 8 a.m. Tuesday to 8 a.m. today – 1.7 inches

That’s right – 3.3 inches of rain in three days with more coming today.

We’re high and relatively dry up here on Crowley’s Ridge at 370 feet above sea level (according to my GPS), but things are getting ugly down on the flat where the rivers run. Levees are failing, rivers are topping their banks, places that haven’t flooded since the 1920s are being evacuated, roads are closed because of high water and some people are talking about this being a 100-year flood event for northeast Arkansas and southeast Missouri.

Last night was just a rain event for us. The tornados stayed well to our south and the Brookland tornado sirens remained silent. The worst of today’s weather is supposed to track south of us again and then the skies will clear for a couple of days.

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