Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Performance, 41 years on


One of the fun things about our new Wifi-capable Blu-ray player is its ability to play streaming movies from our Netflix account.

I’ve been amusing myself with every episode of 30 Rock, starting from the first episode. I’m up to the latter part of the fourth season and still enjoying it.

The offerings also include a lot of old, obscure flicks. I watched the 1970 film “Performance” yesterday. It didn’t last long in the theaters and I never got a chance to see it. I hardly recognized the impossibly young, impossibly thin James Fox.

My friend Steve Power had a copy of the soundtrack album at the time of the movie’s release, which featured “Memo from Turner,” by the Rolling Stones and the tune stuck in my head for more than 40 years.

It’s an odd film – film noir meets psychedelia – with some particularly disturbing violence. On balance, Jagger’s performance of “Memo from Turner” is the high point and maybe the only reason to watch the movie. It has an interesting, unexpected ending that I won’t give away.

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