Tuesday, March 01, 2011

No wonder they’re getting fat


Pete and Ruthie are flopped down on the upstairs office carpet after a visit to the vet for their semi-annual exam and shots. I guess it takes a lot out of them.

We recently noticed Pete has gained some weight. Turns out Ruthie has too, but it’s hard to tell because she’s so woolly.

Pete weighed in at 64 pounds this morning, up from 55 pounds at his last visit to the vet.

Ever since we noticed his weight gain, we’ve cut back on the treats.

Maria started buying Milk Bone for large dogs because they were priced to sell at Sam’s Club. The big Milk Bones are about 4 inches long and we usually broke them in half, giving one half to each Milk Bone® Biscuits for Large Dogdog. Even so, a half of a large is more than twice the size of a regular Milk Bone and we were distributing treats pretty much every time they came in from the back yard.

The vet said he and his staff determined that the caloric content of one regular size Milk Bone is to a dog what a Snickers bar would be to a human. Holy crap! No wonder they’re getting fat.

Time for a diet, dogs.

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