Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Another heartworm test for Pete

pete vet chair

I took Pete back to the vet this morning to have more blood drawn for more definitive heartworm tests.

Pete is a timid little guy and, like most Aussies, worries about changes in his environment. Since we moved here, the only time he gets to ride in the car has been to visit the vet, so he doubtless associates the car with getting shots or spending a few days in their kennel while we’re out of town. Consequently, he’s not much of a car dog.

pete del sol The only time I’ve driven him somewhere other than the vet was a month or two ago when I took him along on a brief run down to the post office. It was a Saturday morning and Maria reported that Ruthie was beside herself with envy when she noticed Pete was going somewhere without her. So I haven’t repeated that exercise.

Pete stays close to me at the vet’s office and prefers to shelter under my chair.

He always seems more relaxed on the drive home, and is more interested in the world outside the car. We had to wait on a train at a railroad crossing and he appeared happy to watch the rail cars creep past.

The vet says it will take a couple of days to get the test results. I will, of course, report the results here when I get them.

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