Thursday, July 01, 2010

Giving XM yet another chance to fail

I just sent the following message to XM via the Contact Us feature on their web site:

I have been trying since June 17 to activate XM NavWeather on my Garmin Zumo 550. Counting activation signals sent by XM customer service reps and refresh signals I've sent from the web site, I've made more than 20 attempts. A few days ago, a tech support person told me to keep my Garmin on the Map screen while activating the weather feature. She guaranteed that would do it. It didn't.
I'd like to know how it is that you know how to activate XM NavWeather on my Zumo 550 when I don't ask for it, but can't activate it when I'm paying for it.
I'm posting the details of this ridiculous bungling mess to my blog on a daily basis and I eagerly await your response and some resolution to my problem.

Their immediate response:

Thanks for emailing us.

Your message has been sent to the appropriate person at XM. We'll get back to you with a response as soon as possible.

Not holding my breath. My post on the subject to the BMWMOA Forum resulted in several responses, including these:

  • I've had XM for 4 or 5 years and have yet to talk to anyone there who knows what they are selling or knows what they are doing. Good luck.
  • The weather on mine worked fine for a year and then I could never get it going right again.
  • I too have a 550. A few weeks ago, we were treated with a weeks worth of free XM weather. Just a teaser. It was very nice but I don't think I'd pay for it.
  • My Zumo 550 had weather and traffic for about 2 weeks. I figured it was just a teaser. Both have now gone away.
  • The problem is just like others have said, no one at that place has a clue what they offer and their web page sux.
    I have had my 550 for 3 years and have had XM and weather the entire time. Each year they rename it and change the price. One year it was nav weather the next year it was traffic service (yes traffic service) and now I do not know what the name is but it went from 3.99 a month to 9.99. I love XM and the weather but they screw you big time.

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