Thursday, July 01, 2010

Counting beans


The room air conditioner I bought for our office last month, like all appliances, came with a yellow Energy Guide tag that estimates the unit’s annual energy cost.

In this case it was $59 a year based on the 2007 national average cost of electricity of 10.65 cents per kilowatt hour.

But our energy costs are significantly lower here. Since our electric bill came today, I crunched some numbers and determined we pay 7.98 cents per kWh, exclusive of taxes and other add-ons, which means the air conditioner should only cost us $44.20 a year.

However, all bets are off if the idiots in the Senate continue to believe the man-made climate change bullshit and pass the Cap and Tax bill. Then we’re probably looking at $100 or more to run the a/c for a year.

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