Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday stuff

It’s been another toasty day here in northeast Arkansas (it’s 91 with a heat index of 99 at 6 p.m.), but things are going well.

We went to the Farmers Market this morning where we scored big on steaks from our rancher neighbor, several pounds of heirloom tomatoes and a dozen ears of sweet corn for $2.5o.

I dumped 2.9 inches of water out of the rain gauge from last night’s deluge. There was more thunder this afternoon, but the rain passed us by. Even so, it was enough to worry Pete. We kept him calm by grooming him with the Furminator. By the time we finished, we had an enormous pile of gray fur to dispose of and he looked considerably cooler and more sleek.

I still haven’t gotten my XM NavWeather sorted out on the Zumo 550. I got through to the second tier of tech support twice yesterday, but XM dropped the call both times. I didn’t even try today. Maybe tomorrow.

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