Friday, June 25, 2010


This is a portion of today’s post by the Bride of Rove.


az shirt webcam “If this was Texas, which is a state that is directly on the border with Mexico, and they were calling for a measure like this saying that they had a major issue with undocumented people flooding their borders, I would have to look twice at this. But this is a state that is a ways removed from the border,” Milwaukee County Board Supervisor Peggy West

I am just going to repeat what I said over on in the comments:

True story. I was volunteering in my son’s fifth grade science class with two other moms and the topic of the day was the moon. I asked why there was no material on astronauts and moon landings? The two moms said they were relieved that fiction wasn’t being taught to kids.

Me: But. Lovell’s book Lost Moon. NASA. All of the video and science that has resulted in from the space program … velcro and Tang for crying out loud … do you really believe it was a hoax? Mrs. (teacher) help me out here.

Teacher: I don’t believe we actually went to the moon either so I don’t teach it.

Me: Interesting. So somehow all of those companies were in on the biggest lie ever perpetrated on the world.

I was unable to change their minds, though I made a valiant effort.

My point is … how do any of you even know if Arizona is on the border with Mexico? If the government can lie about something as large as the moon, it can certainly f with maps here on earth. For all WE know, Arizona is IN Mexico.

There are days when I don’t want to know just how far the national IQ has fallen. Lots and lots of days ….


I am reminded of a conversation that took place in the newsroom of The Indianapolis News back in the early 1980s. Two other reporters and I were discussing states we had visited, using a map of the U.S. – showing just the outlines of the states without any text – for reference. The education reporter walked over, saw what we were doing and offered, “How do you know which state is which without the names? I could never do that.”

She went on to become the public information director for Indianapolis Public Schools.

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