Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mom


Today would have been my mother’s 95th birthday.

Mom was born on a farm near Deer Creek, Ind. in 1915 and this was her high school senior portrait. She and dad were married in 1939 and I came along in 1945.

She was a graduate of the Indiana University School of Nursing and, except for a few years before I went to school, she worked as a Registered Nurse. Most of her nursing career was in the office of Dr. George Wagoner in Delphi, Ind. and she took her duties and status as a nurse very seriously. Even as an 85-year-old retirement home resident, she often rolled her wheelchair up to another resident’s wheelchair and checked their pulse.

When she died in October, 2000, we buried her in her nurse’s uniform.

Happy birthday, mom. I miss you.

I’m writing this on her kitchen table, which belonged to her mother and her grandmother before her.

1 comment:

  1. I remember the pretty nurse at Dr. Wagoner's office---and she made the trip to the doc more enjoyable.

    She a great smile.
    Diane Mullin Schnabel
