Tuesday, June 15, 2010

All washed up

The temperature is down to 90 and the heat index is only 92 now that the sun is low on the horizon and hidden by the woods, so I was able to finish up with the Honda pressure washer we borrowed from Charlie and Deb.

The vinyl clad railings on our north-facing front porch have taken on a greenish cast of late, kind of a precursor to moss that detracted from the appearance of the house. We attacked it the weekend before we left for Arizona last month, but frustration with wheels vibrating off and the heat and humidity defeated me about one-fourth of the way into the job.

kerstan_2229Since Charlie and Deb need their machine back this week, I got out early this morning right after Maria’s brother left for home, and finished the front porch. I did the back porch and the patio furniture this evening, but the left wheel refuses to stay on. I think we’re missing a bushing or a couple of washers which Charlie doubtless has in his shop. At any rate, we’ve got our porches washed and the machine is ready to be hauled back home.

I keep hoping this heat wave will break, but there is no relief in sight. I have to have my K1200GT at Grass Roots BMW Motorcycles in Cape Girardeau, Mo. for a 6,000-mile service at 10 a.m. Thursday, so I plan to leave as early as possible so as to beat the heat. I pre-registered online today for the BMW MOA rally in Redmond, Ore. I’ll be there this time next month. Probably should start gathering all of my gear. That’s a good indoors-in-the-air-conditioning job.

Kerstan had a car to haul to Effingham, Ill. yesterday and decided to come the rest of the way down to our house. It’s the first time he’s been here and we enjoyed his company. He took a load of Austin’s tools and other stuff back to Indiana with him.

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