Friday, June 11, 2010

Free Stuff Friday

curt JMF_2215

Today was Free Stuff Friday, an annual project of the Sun and First Security Bank. Today’s paper is loaded with valuable coupons and the paper and the bank spent a couple of hours at midday giving away stuff – hot dogs, soft drinks, helium-filled balloons, frozen yogurt, lots of promotional items and even an iPod Shuffle.

Maria volunteered my services, so I got to play photographer for awhile. The weather was perfect – breezy, overcast and not unbearably humid. I think everyone had a good time. Here’s reporter Curt Hodges chatting with a family at the event.

My mood was enhanced by the fact that our tenant’s rent check arrived in this morning’s mail, so I can relax for another three weeks. Plus, I sold two more books on

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