Friday, June 11, 2010

Alvin Greene – my hero

alvin-greene It’s going to be interesting to see how the South Carolina Democratic Party persuades Alvin Greene to give up the nomination for U.S. Senate that he won this week.

Now that the White House is under scrutiny for trying to bribe candidates in Pennsylvania and Colorado to get out of congressional races, South Carolina Democrats are on notice that it’s a federal crime to offer someone anything of value – like a job or a house or a vacation in Aruba – to influence the outcome of an election.

The Democrats never had a chance of unseating Sen. Jim Demint in this year of Conservative Payback, but it’s fun to watch the party that supposedly loves minorities agonize over a seeming nobody, and a black nobody at that, getting the nomination. The Congressional Black Caucus must be freaking out.

Actually, it’s kind of inspiring that a 32-year-old guy who doesn’t own a cell phone or a computer and who faces a felony obscenity charge for allegedly showing an 18-year-old college coed a pornographic web site and then propositioning her – that such a guy could win a Senate nomination without even campaigning.

And as further proof that Greene has achieved celebrity status, he has his own Wikipedia page. There are already bumper stickers for Greene alvin stickeravailable from Cafe Press.

If I lived in South Carolina and if there weren’t so much at stake in this year’s elections, I would be sorely tempted to give Greene my vote. I predict he’ll get 90 per cent of the black vote in November, which may be enough to put him into the Senate. It’s not inconceivable. The same thing happened two years ago when a coalition of crazies and haters put an un-vetted, inexperienced, incompetent black man with no real executive credentials into the White House.

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