Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ready for the deluge

breitling hat I’m hunkered down with an insulated cup of Rio Azul at Hastings, waiting for the deluge to begin. I’m dressed for the occasion in my Gerry Gore-Tex anorak.

And I’m drowning out the crappy music on the PA with my comprehensive Steely Dan collection on my iPod. God, I love Steely Dan. The music is so cool, catchy and clever and the production values are absolutely impeccable.schnee

In the meantime, friend Tim Balough just sent me this photo from his deck high above Alma, Colo. where the sky has been falling for the last day or so. He said he got the last of his fleet of motorcycles into the shop just before the snow started.


  1. Agreed, S.D. is so very cool. We have all their stuff. I especially, personally, like the earlier stuff, though. "Through With Buzz." WTF? OK then!

  2. Album-wise, "Gaucho" absolutely knocks me out and I have a special fondness for "Can't Buy a Thrill."
