Thursday, October 29, 2009

Puzzling evidence

The stitches in my gum came out this morning and the good news is that the incision is healing nicely and that I have yet to experience any post-op pain or even mild

The bad news is that I’ve got some nerve damage. I have no feeling on the left point of my chin and radiating up to the left side of my lower lip. The endodontist gave me a prescription today for a steroid, that he thinks will probably reduce the inflammation and let the nerve return to normal.

At the same time, my left foot plantar fasciitis (Christ! Have I got enough ailments?) has mostly gone away. How bizarre. I had an appointment with a podiatrist this afternoon but considering that my symptoms are mostly gone and that I’m taking a steroid for the nerve problem and that it’s probably what the podiatrist would use to treat plantar fasciitis, we decided to scrub the afternoon appointment and reschedule if the problem recurs.

Could the nerve in my jaw have some connection with the nerves in my left heel? Seems improbable, but the fact that both went painless on Tuesday is certainly curious.

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