Sunday, October 11, 2009

On the road again

domgs02 Dom rolled out of our driveway a little after 8 a.m. for the 7+ hour ride back to Indianapolis.

His plan is to stop for gas and a couple of McDonald’s breakfast burritos in an hour or so at Kennett, Mo., hometown of Sheryl Crow.domgs01

The temperature here is about 48 and the temperature in Indianapolis is about 36, so he’ll be in pretty much the same  temperature throughout his 450-mile ride. There is cloud cover over most of the route, but no chance of rain.

He should be perfectly comfortable with his Gerbings heated jacket liner under his Aerostich Roadcrafter riding suit.

By the time Dom gets home, he’ll only need about 200 more miles to earn his 10,000-mile award from the Indianapolis BMW Club for 2009.

In retrospect, I think we made an excellent decision to skip the Falling Leaf Rally in Potosi, Mo. this weekend. For all we know, the campground could be underwater from the torrential rains Thursday and Friday. It looks like it didn’t get as cold as expected overnight there, but it still would have been a crappy weekend of wet, gray and cold. Throw in the $18 admission fee and it seems like too much to endure for one more rally pin.

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