Saturday, October 10, 2009

Afternoon in Memphis

dombbking01The rain is gone but today was a chilly, gray day.

The temperature was only in the high 50s by noon and I counseled against a motorcycle expedition to the hills west of here on the grounds that it was too far, too cold, and too late in the day.

So I decided to take Dom to Memphis, a city he’s only visited once and that was back in the 1990s when I led him and four other BMW bbkingbeerfriends on a 14-state loop over a three-day weekend. We rode through Memphis and he never got a chance to experience the town  that day.

We spent about 45 minutes driving around the northeastside looking for three businesses the GPS found that have “bagel” in their name, hoping to score some real bagels. Turns out, they’re all out of business.

So it was off to Beale Street. We parked in a parking garage and dropped in to B.B. King’s Blues Club for a late lunch and a couple of johnbbkingbeers. There was live music this afternoon and it make the place a completely different experience than when I first dined there.

We checked in at Tater Red’s and scoped out the voodoo stuff, then strolled down to Silky O’Sullivan’s to say hello to the goats.

We walked down a block or so and back up the other side of the street before heading back to the garage for an uneventful drive back home.

Now we’re hanging out and waiting for Maria to get home from the office to begin our evening festivities.

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