Monday, September 21, 2009

Quest for Kefir

kefir-st This is Lifeway Kefir. I've blogged about it before, so regular readers will know that I like to start my day with a glass of this stuff. It tastes great and it has all kinds of probiotic, friendly bacteria that are good for digestive health.

The only place we've found it around here is Kroger.

Maria went Krogering yesterday afternoon while I sipped coffee and websurfed at the bookstore next door. She called me to announce that Kefir has vanished from the dairy case where it is normally found. She said she checked all of the other possible locations and found no Kefir anywhere in the store.

I called store manager Dick Crumbaugh this morning and asked if they were just out of the stuff or if they have discontinued it. He's checking and said he will call me back.

Decisions to discontinue items at Kroger come from their company headquarters in Cincinnati. I will call Cincinnati if necessary. I want my freaking Kefir.

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