Saturday, September 19, 2009


freezing JONESBORO, Ark. – I’m freezing my ass off in Barnes & Noble.

The outdoor temperature is 78, with a heat index of 80, but the primo computer tables – the ones next to the wall and electrical outlets – are directly under the air conditioning vents. I’ve got my Swiss Army knife with the built-in thermometer and altimeter sitting on the table to put a number to the cold here, but there is no way it will account for what amounts to a wind chill factor from the blast of air coming out of the vents.

The knife says it’s 68, but it feels much colder. And I’m wearing a safari jacket over a t-shirt.

This has been a slow gray day, rain and low clouds. We spent the morning and half the afternoon in our office – Maria doing newspaper stuff and me surfing and downloading the newest Sonny Landreth album from I was surprised to notice that the MP3 download is $14.99, while the CD version is $1 cheaper. Figure in shipping and I still got the better deal. I guess the pricing reflects the fact that fewer and fewer people are buying CDs these days.

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