Thursday, August 20, 2009

To Pre or not to Pre

palmpre I checked my Sprint account the other day and noticed that I’ve had my Palm Treo 700p long enough to qualify for a $150 discount on a new phone.

Like a lot of other people, I’ve been wowed by the iPhone, but the Apple phone’s exclusive link with AT&T is a deal-breaker for me. Besides me and Maria, our Sprint account also includes her two kids. It would be major hassle to make the change – new phones for everyone. In a year or so, both kids should be established well enough to pay for their own cell phone service, but not right now.

Also, Sprint has better G3/G4 Internet service and that’s a huge deal for me, since I like being able to tether my Treo to my laptops and use it as an Internet modem when Wifi service is unavailable.

Sprint introduced the Palm Pre earlier this year and while it may not be the iPod-killer some expected, it’s pretty damned close.

It runs an increasing number of cool apps and may eventually rival the iPhone for versatility. It also has dual G4/Wifi capabilities.

The big question that I have yet to resolve in my Googling is whether I can tether a Pre to my laptops and have the same no-extra-charge Internet access that I have now with my Treo. There are hacks for that purpose, but I want a clear statement from Sprint on the subject.

I really dislike bullshit and blank stares, so I’m not about to walk into the Sprint store on Stadium Avenue and ask the kids there for a definitive answer. So, unless and until I get a favorable answer to that question, I’m hanging onto my Treo.

After all, much of the allure of the Pre and the iPhone is in their entertainment value as high tech toys. My netbook does enough to make a lot of Pre/iPhone features redundant.

So I’ll just hang loose and wait.

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