Thursday, August 20, 2009


I’m sitting in the bookstore and glancing around I see any number of things that grate on my sensibilities.

I’ll start my list with what’s right hear and add other things that irritate or annoy me because I know you’re absolutely dying to know.

  • Guys who wear baseball caps backwards. The only thing worse is the ones who wear them askew like some time traveling fugitive from a Little Rascals episode.
  • Guys who wear flip-flops in public. Sandals creep me out too, but to a lesser degree.
  • People sitting near me who jabber loudly in a foreign language. (In this case, it’s Chinese.)
  • White chocolate.
  • People ahead of me in line who write a check to pay for their purchase and take freaking forever to get out the checkbook, write the date, payee, amount and their signature, and then make a production out of recording it in the register and putting the checkbook away. Checks cost money. Plastic does not.
  • Everybody else’s cell phone ringtone. I don’t like mine all that much, either.
  • Phyllis at the optician’s office.
  • The moron who parked unnecessarily close to my driver’s side door at the optician’s office.
  • Michael Jackson
  • Frequent updates to iTunes, mostly designed to accommodate Apple devices I don’t own.

There. I feel better now.


  1. Oh, don't even get me started on Phyllis. There is always a Phyllis, and she is always named something like 'Phyllis'.

  2. OK.. the whole check at the counter thing brings to mind the commercials for the Visa Check Card at christmas. The whole dancing menagerie of shoppers that are stopped and out of tune when the silly lady whips out the old fashioned check book to buy the robot.
    So, in essence, you're saying your part of the dancing menagerie.
    I'd like video, please!
