Friday, July 31, 2009

Motorcycles should be included in the federal “Cash for Clunkers” program!

Call or write your Senators to include motorcycle language today!

The Senate and U.S. House of Representatives have already passed ama_logo_smallthe "Cash for Clunkers" program that would authorize funds for an auto trade-in program designed to boost consumer demand for cars and trucks.

However, the current program does not include motorcycles.

Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr. (D-PA) introduced S. 1248, the Green Transportation Efficiency Act of 2009, to expand on the existing "Cash for Clunkers" program by providing vouchers to people who trade in older, less fuel-efficient vehicles for a more fuel-efficient motorcycle.

The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) supports S. 1248 and urges other Senators to cosponsor Senator Casey's bill.

The current "Cash for Clunkers" program would offer up to $4,500 in vouchers to help people who trade in cars or SUVs with a combined fuel economy of 18 miles-per-gallon or less to buy newer, more fuel-efficient vehicles. S. 1248 would provide vouchers to encourage consumers to trade in their older, less fuel-efficient vehicles for new, more fuel-efficient cars, trucks and motorcycles. Participants would receive a $2,500 voucher for the purchase of a new motorcycle. By including this language, the "Cash for Clunkers" program will be consistent with various Federal laws that define automobiles, light duty trucks and motorcycles as "motor vehicles".

Motorcycles reduce traffic and parking congestion, increase fuel economy and are less of an impact on our roads and bridges compared with automobiles and light duty trucks.  Many AMA members recognize the multiple benefits of motorcycles and employ them as their primary means of transportation.

Motorcyclists are not any different from drivers of automobiles and light duty trucks who have been hit hard by the economic downturn. Moreover, motorcyclists typically purchase new bikes, apparel, vehicle servicing and after-market equipment from local dealers that are family-owned businesses. These family-owned dealers then obtain merchandise and product from the same local suppliers as the auto dealers.

To find contact information for your Senators on, click on "Rights," then "Issues & Legislation," and enter your zip code in the "Find your Officials" box. Additionally, a prewritten e-mail is available for you to send to your U.S. Senators by following the "Take Action" option and entering your information.

All AMA members and anyone else who enjoys riding is urged to contact their Senators and ask them to cosponsor S. 1248, the Green Transportation Efficiency Act of 2009.

I sent emails to four Senators – two from Arkansas and two from Indiana, where we still own property.

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