Friday, July 31, 2009

It’s Friiiiiiiiidayyyyy!

It’s a glorious, sunny, 71-degree Friday morning, so I tossed my netbook and accessories into a saddlebag and rode my K1200GT into town, pausing at the post office to find:

  • No early rent check
  • My L.L.Bean Explorer jacket that UPS dropped off at the post office even though I gave them my physical address, rather than my P.O. box for a shipping address
  • The routine notice of my monthly pension being deposited into my checking account
  • A DVD from the National Rifle Association on combat pistol pumpkintechniques
  • A bunch of advertising crap

We discovered the other day that we have at least one pumpkin growing on the patio. It’s a “volunteer” that sprouted from the discarded seeds of a decorative pumpkin Maria bought last fall. The leaves are trying to take over the entire patio and I’m tempted to mow them down, but now that we have a volleyball-size pumpkin growing, I guess I’ll let nature take its course.

1 comment:

  1. How cool! I like it when volunteer things come up in our yard like this. It's like a surprise birthday present.
