Thursday, July 09, 2009

Gannett cuts 37 at The Indianapolis Star

Gannett retiree Ruth Holladay reports the following dismissals at The Indianapolis Star in the most recent round of layoffs:

  1. Jackie Thomas, AME/Features
  2. Allen Greenberg, Assistant Metro Editor/State Government
  3. Channon Seifert, Features Art Director
  4. Ricky Carr, building services-GC (Guild Contract)
  5. Vanessa Baugh, building services-GC
  6. William Abney, building services-GC
  7. Steven Barber, building services-GC
  8. Rasheed Fazle, online-GC
  9. Rosalyn V. Demaree, editor in the Fishers-based north office
  10. Jeri Reichanadter, photographer, picture desk, Fishers-GC
  11. Melinda Cooper, calendar desk, Fishers-GC
  12. Donna Eggert, West bureau paraprofessional-GC
  13. Marisol Gouveia, features copy desk-GC
  14. John Hawn, features copy desk chief
  15. Chris Jordan, features designer-GC
  16. Bob Jonason, online/calendar desk
  17. Renee Petrina, copy desk-GC
  18. Zach Dunkin, features (travel) reporter-GC
  19. Sylvia Halladay, news researcher. Also secretary of Indy NewsGuild and secretary on contract bargaining team –GC
  20. Michelle Watson, copy desk. Also member of the contract bargaining team. –GC
  21. Shirley Roberts, business copy desk

The Indianapolis Star as a whole lost 37 people.

"Included in that were news professionals: The Guild lost 14 members (10 who are in the newsroom and 4 in building services), leaving the Guild with 184 people it represents.

"Seven editors are gone -- one-fourth of the management team
"Two magazine editors were laid off June 19.

"In addition, four employees departed on their own, which spared more layoffs. Those leaving include Heather Charles-photo-GC, Keith Manring, news editor-GC, Konrad Marshall-features-GC, and Brendan O'Shaughnessy-news reporter-GC."

Zach and Shirley are old Indianapolis News veterans with whom I worked for several years and for whom I have enormous respect. They deserved better. I know Jeri by reputation as a first-class photojournalist and worked with Donna for a few years at Metro North. I don’t know whether to extend condolences or congratulations.

My two friends at the Gannett-run Lafayette Journal & Courier dodged the bullet.

Getting thrown out of a job you loved in this economy has to be a scary thing, but constantly being told to work harder for less pay is no way to live, either. Especially when it’s for such a horribly mismanaged company that has never done anything to deserve your loyalty.

I thank God daily that I was able to leave on my own terms and I have never ever regretted my decision to walk away from The Star and Gannett.

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