Thursday, July 09, 2009

Cleaning frenzy

I got a call last evening from BMW motorcycle friend Rick Nelson, who has been out on tour since January and was calling from near Eureka Springs, Ark.

Rick is headed this way, en route to next week's BMW MOA International Rally in Johnson City, Tenn., where he is in charge of the shuttlebus service, and was looking for a place to do an oil change.

Naturally, we couldn't let him pass through here without offering as much hospitality as possible, so he and his lady friend will be our guests this evening.

That means I'm in a cleaning frenzy this morning, dusting, vacuuming, washing, etc. Austin left the guestroom in a bit of a mess, so I'm reeling him in from his dog-sitting job to help make the place presentable.

Now, I'm off to attack the clutter and dust.

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