Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Doggie doctor day

vet pete and ruthie Today was vet day for Ruthie and Pete, so Austin and I leashed them and loaded them into the back of the Subaru for the drive into town.

It started raining about the time we left home and we sat in a downpour several minutes waiting for a train to clear a crossing a few blocks from the veterinarian’s office.

vet pete 1This was their semi-annual checkup with tests and shots for rabies and other stuff. The vet was running a special on micro chipping, so I decided it  was time to take care of that long-neglected detail.

I’d never forgive myself if they ran off and we had no other way to identify them and assure their safe return, all because I was too cheap to get them micro chipped.

Both dogs handled the chipping procedure with remarkable aplomb – no wincing or whimpering when Dr. John Huff placed the rice grain-size microchips under their skin between the shoulder blades.

maria deskI dropped the dogs and Austin off at home, collected up the mail at the post office, gassed the car at Hilltop ($2.09/gallon for regular) and picked Maria up for lunch, after which I swapped cars with her so she wouldn’t have to drive my del Sol.

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