Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Always something

It’s always something.

My mother-in-law drove by our Thorntown house this morning and called to report a couple of the rungs in the upstairs balcony railing are out.

I’ve got a call in to the renter to discuss it and sent an email asking our Boone County fix-it guy to drop by and repair it.

I was out and running early today for an 8:40 a.m. eye doc augen[3]appointment where I got new prescriptions for glasses and contact lenses, then down to the electric utility to pay our bill (Only $149 for a month of AC in brutal heat, plus our normal consumption. I can say goodbye to cheap electricity if the loons in Congress jam the ruinous Cap and Trade bill down our throats.), and on to the bookstore for coffee, blogging and surfing.

The lawn desperately needs to be mowed, so that’s at the top of my to-do list as soon as the grass dries out.

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