Friday, June 26, 2009

The refi drama continues

Two weeks after I intervened to rescue our 4.75% mortgage refi interest rate when the dopes at the bank were about to let it lapse, I had to straighten out another of their screwups on the eve of closing.

Maria was able to prod them into setting a closing date earlier this week - 9:30 a.m. next Monday.

I've been checking since then to learn how much we need to come up with in property taxes. I was told we needed a cashier's check for property taxes at closing.

I called the bank yesterday and was told the woman who does that stuff would crunch our numbers and call me with the amount today.

So I stayed at home all day waiting for the call that never came. Finally, I called the bank at 3:45 p.m.

Turns out the woman had been calling the wrong number all day. But she didn't realize it was a wrong number because the woman who kept answering didn't tell her it was a wrong number. Duh!

I told her I was kinda eager to get the information so I could get a cashier's check in time for the Monday morning closing. Well, it turns out that a personal check will do.

So I wasted a whole day waiting for some moron who can't get a phone number right.

But wait, it gets better.

When she told me how much the new house payment would be, it was only $135 less than we're paying now. We expected something more like $250 in monthly savings.

She decided to check some numbers and said she'd call me back. I waited until about 4:45 p.m., then I called her.

It turns out that the underwriter (who is on vacation, of course), entered the wrong interest rate. Instead of the 4.75% we locked in way back in freaking April, the underwriter entered 4.875%.

That shaves another $14 and change off of our monthly payment, which is movement in the right direction, but not much.

And it leaves us wondering what else they've fucked up.

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