Friday, June 26, 2009

OK, so he's dead

I'm always sad when a fellow Hoosier dies, but the orgy of media coverage today of Michael Jackson's death shows how detached from reality we've become.

Here are a few of the things I think are being wrongly crowded out of our awareness by the Jackson death coverage:

  • Today's House of Representatives vote on the ruinous "climate change" bill.
  • The slaughter of Iranian freedom fighters.
  • Impending confrontation with the lunatic North Korean regime.
  • The supposed unveiling today of the Ark of the Covenant in Rome.

The morning news shows on cable and the big 3 networks were pretty much wall-to-wall MJ coverage. I think (or at least hope) all of them realize that this coverage is shamefully over the top, but they're afraid showing anything else will have their viewers reaching for the remote to change channels.

Pity. Some of us are still interested in real news.


  1. Who cares about a fake ‘Ark of the Covenant.’ Stephan Huller has an academic article coming up which proves that this:

    is the original Episcopal throne of Alexandria, mentioned in the Acts of Peter the Patriarch, Origen, Clement and other sources and dated to the first century.

    I read the book. I loved it but I want to know what everyone else thinks? I think its very important but I am not an expert.

    His blog with additional information is

    Maybe you can tell me if this for real.

  2. Chances are excellent it's a fake, but it's a very big deal if it's the real McCoy.
