Monday, June 15, 2009

Making sure they get it right

Rather than let it go with a phone call, Maria and I went to the bank this morning for face-to-face assurance that our locked-in in April refi interest rate will be extended when it lapses today.

We were pleasant but firm and established that we will not be charged for the paperwork associated with the extension since, of course, it’s not our fault that they let this business drag on for six weeks because a key person was out on maternity leave.

This is, after all, a business deal – not a transaction contingent upon some woman’s personal life.

I did make it clear that we were concerned and alarmed at the idea that the car would have gone off the cliff if I hadn’t checked in last Friday and alerted them to the impending doom of our refinance application.

I have to wonder how many other applicants lost their locked-in lower interest rates because of this alarmingly casual attitude about refinance applications.

We reckon this unnecessary delay cost us about $300 because we had to pay the old mortgage for an additional month.

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