Sunday, June 14, 2009

Exploring the Ridge

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         We took Austin and the dogs for a ride this afternoon up Crowley's Ridge Parkway to Lake Frierson and Crowley's Ridge state parks.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         Ruthie, who is a natural born water dog, really, really wanted to dive into the lake, so we let her get her feet wet.

It's pushing 90 degrees up here in our office and I'm starting to worry about the cumulative effects of daily heat exposure on our desktop computers.

Apparently the folks who built our house never envisioned human habitation up here in what they call a "bonus room" above the garage. The first owners never finished the space out and used it exclusively for storage.

However, we threw a fair amount of money at it during our first few months here in terms of woodwork, paint, ceiling treatment, a ceiling fan and, of course, our protracted efforts to get a good carpet installation from Lowe's.

The problem is that there is insufficient insulation in the roof above the room, which makes it chilly in the winter and impossibly hot in the warmest days of summer.

This, then, will be the summer when we get an insulation contractor up here to tell us if we can get any relief, short of sticking an unsightly window air conditioner in the rooms only window.

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