Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Gas pains

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         I got home about 2:45 p.m. and noticed Austin's car was gone.

I supposed he was out beating the bushes for a job.

About 3 p.m., he called to say he was down at the newspaper office where he had hitchhiked after his car died on U.S. 49. About a mile past a gas station where he could have taken on fuel.

And he was out of gas.

"With every other car I've had, you still had some gas left after the needle got to the empty mark. You were only out of gas when it actually got to the E."


So I grabbed a 5 gallon gas can, filled it en route, picked him up at the newspaper office and drove back to where his car had died, just south of the Brookland stoplight.

He dumped the gas into the tank, fired up the engine and was on his way.

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