Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Change of venue

juveniles I’m hanging with this bunch of juvenile delinquents at Books-A-Million, running on battery power, but using real Wifi.

Austin has been laid off more than four weeks. He filed for unemployment assistance immediately and, as of this morning’s mail, he has yet to receive his first check. He had a telephone conversation with the Indiana Workforce people last Thursday and was assured that his check would be mailed immediately.

He’s in his fifth week under our roof. (The original plan was to get him a job and an apartment inside of two weeks.) He’s got some prospects, but no offers yet and obviously he can’t rent an apartment until he has a job or some reliable form of income.

It’s a damned good thing he had us to turn to, because he’d be starving and homeless if he waited on the unemployment payments to kick in.

I’m glad we’re able to help him. He’s cheerful and helpful to a fault,  but I’m also ready to return to Empty Nest Status.

I’ll be blogging from Honda of Jonesboro tomorrow morning while I wait for the service department to do an oil and lube job and track down the overheating problem.

The earliest my eye doc can see me is June 22.

I’d like to take a bike trip in the next couple of weeks, but I’m being held hostage by the mortgage refinancing process that we set in motion six weeks ago today. The banker told us it would be “a couple of weeks” until closing. On April 29.

So I feel like I’m watching another riding season slip away. I don’t like the feeling.

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