Sunday, June 07, 2009

Courthouse connections


I've seen a lot of courthouses in my life - not nearly as many as BMW rider Bob Higdon who last year completed a five-year quest to photograph all 3,069 courthouses in the continental U.S. - but enough to know that the Carroll County Courthouse in Delphi, Ind. is one of my favorites.

Architects have called it one of the most beautiful small courthouses in Indiana. I love its simple elegance, its rotunda and stained glass skylight.

My personal connection, besides whatever records bear my name in the clerk's office or recorder's office, is the fact that my father participated in the cornerstone-laying ceremonies back in 1916.

My grandfather, Irvin Flora, was the Democrat Township Trustee and was invited to march in the parade leading up to the cornerstone laying. My dad was 6 at the time and refused to leave grandpa's side. So when it came time to toss the Democrat Township history into the cornerstone time capsule, grandpa handed it to dad and my father did the honors. That's the cornerstone I'm standing next to in the top photo.

Here are some more views of my favorite courthouse:

jfl_carrollcourthouse8534 jfl_carrollcourthouse8547 jfl_carrollcourthouse8540 jfl_carrollcourthouse8543

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