Sunday, June 07, 2009

Attempted dog grooming

ruthie trim It’s been more than a year since Ruthie the Wonder Dog has been to the groomer and she was getting as woolly as a sheep.

So I got out the Wahl trimmer today and, with Austin’s help, did some dog shearing on the back porch.

I spent several minutes working somewhat fruitlessly with a quarter-inch blade guard. The I decided to dispense with blade guards and attack her with the naked clippers. It has a couple of depth settings, so I set it for maximum clearance and gingerly started doing some serious cutting.

Ruthie was a remarkably good sport about it, but our technique leaves much to be desired and she has a definite patchy appearance that needs some touching up in a day or two.

Here’s how she looks with a professional trim done last spring at Petco.

ruthie roll

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