Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Serious bonfire in the making

brushpile This enormous pile of tree limbs is only a fraction of our debris from the late January ice storm.

In the wake of the storm, we were told to drag all of our tree trash to the roadside in front of our property. The initial reason was so FEMA could survey the magnitude of the storm damage. The secondary reason was the assurance by Craighead County officials that county road crews would come around and collect the debris for disposal.

We learned today that there will be no county pickup on our road because the roads in our little subdivision have not been formally accepted into the county road network. Never mind that we pay the same taxes as people whose brush is being picked up.

Several other neighbors have similar piles of brush. A tree service hired by the folks across the street generated the monster pile of mulch seen to the left of our brush pile. It's sitting in front of the only undeveloped lot in our subdivision. Although I haven't spoken with the neighbors, it's my guess that they intend for it to be a community mulch pile.

At least we don't have to worry about the county picking it up.

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