Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Guns and religion

I hate it when people try to push their religion on me.

A couple of Jehovah's Witnesses rang my doorbell a few months ago and stuck a copy of the Watchtower magazine in my hand before I tersely explained I wasn't interested in their religion.

I am quite content to be a Catholic and what they consider evangelism, I consider intrusive.

In my somewhat limited experience, it appears that most folks of that ilk aren't terribly alert to the frame of mind of the people they're trying to reach.

I was reminded of that the other day by a story in the paper about a barber who packs a 9mm pistol after being shot in both legs in a holdup at his shop.

When the young assailant shot him in the right shin with a .25 caliber pistol, he told the kid, "Jesus loves you."

The kid apparently was in no mood for a theological discussion and angrily put another bullet into his left knee.

Maybe he was trying to reach the kid or maybe he was just turning the other cheek in a situation that might end up with him at the Pearly Gates.

Either way, he's ready to let his Ruger do the evangelizing next time.

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