Tuesday, May 06, 2008

I'm a believer

OK, I'm a believer.
We pulled the trigger last Saturday and bought a John Deere LA125 lawn tractor/riding mower at the Home Depot.
It was delivered this morning and, after reading the owner's manual so as to avoid amputations and other hideous injuries, I fired it up and got familiar with the controls.
Once I was reasonably comfortable with the throttle, forward and reverse and brake, I poked my earplug headphones into my ears, plugged them into my iPod and set out to cut some grass.
Our lawn is far from smooth, so I kept the speed down, but got it done in record time and without breaking a sweat. This is a very civilized way to cut grass and I may actually come to look forward to mowing the lawn. Well, maybe.
Anyhow, it beats the hell out of our walk-behind mower.

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