Monday, May 05, 2008

I can see clearly now

I'm back in contact lenses today for the first time in more than five years.
I wore contacts from the early 1980s until early January, 2003, when a badly infected corneal abrasion forced me back to eyeglasses.
My optometrist through the 1990s seemed to be okay with my practice of leaving my extended-wear contacts on 24/7 for up to a month at a time. Around the first of every month, I took out my old contacts and threw them away, went to bed for the night and put in a fresh pair the next morning.
I got away with it until the Jan. 1, 2003 change-out. I managed to scratch the cornea of my right eye when I changed lenses that morning and by the next day, my eye was on fire. Maria took me to the ER at Community Hospital North in Indianapolis and they hooked me up with Dr. Michael Behforouz, a first-rate opthalmologist who called a nearby pharmacy and had them formulate two heavy duty antibiotic eyedrop solutions. With Maria's help, I put drops in every hour, on the hour, alternating solution A with solution B for the next 24 hours.
That did the trick, but I was done with contacts for the foreseeable future.
We are now in the unforseen future because a local opthalmologist checked my eyes a couple of weeks ago and declared me fit for contacts - just in time for summer and sunglasses.
I still need reading glasses for close-up work, but my distance vision is tack-sharp and I've taken my favorite Oakley sunglasses out of storage.

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