Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Knowing I hate snakes, (or, as the Steve Erwin would say, “Oy hite snikes), Maria just emailed me this link http://www.snakesofarkansas.com/Main/Snake which goes to a web page titled “Snakes of Arkansas.”
I was impressed to learn there are 28 varieties of snakes to be found in the area where we now make our home, including four venomous snakes of the pitviper family.
Here's the list, with the bad guys in italics:
Southern Cooperhead
Western Cottonmouth
Timber Rattlesnake
Western Pigmy Rattlesnake

Northern Scarlet Snake
Eastern Racer
Prarie Kingsnake
Speckled Kingsnake
Milk Snake
Rough Green Snake
Great Plains Rat Snake
Western Rat Snake
Flathead Snake
Midwest Worm Snake
Ringneck Snake
Mississippi Green Water Snake
Plainbelly Water Snake
Broad-banded Water Snake
Midland Water Snake
Graham's Crayfish Snake
Midland Brown Snake
Redbelly Snake
Western Ribbon Snake
Common Garter Snake
Rough Earth Snake
Western Earth Snake
Western Mud Snake
Eastern Hognose Snake

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