Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Mister Hanky is sooooo popular!

Since I installed the Feedjit Live Traffic Feed widget on this site a week or so ago, I've been able to tell how people get here.
Some, who know where they're going and maybe even have it bookmarked, come in directly to the blog's URL. A few get here through our friend Lauri's blog link.
And the rest come via a Google search for a subject that I've written about at one time or another.
Guess what the most frequent Google search is that bring people to my blog.
An Oct. 15, 2007, post titled "Unfortunate Resemblance" in which I noted how much the Goobertown Tree Farm Christmas peanut looks like Mister Hanky, the Christmas Poo, from South Park.
Well, now I've given Google yet another Mister Hanky reference to find.
And just for good measure, here's a photo of a larger-than-life (think about it) image of Mister Hanky that adorns a commercial building down at the west end of Front Street in Fairplay, Colo., which is where the real South Park is. I shot it about three years ago while visiting our friends Tim and Linda in nearby Alma.
Come to think of it, we're overdue for some Colorado mountain air.

1 comment:

  1. I thought that picture looked familiar!
    At least we don't have snakes!
