Sunday, February 17, 2008

Yet another reason to like living here

It's Sunday and I'm drinking a beer I bought at a package store about an hour ago. Legally.

Not bad, considering that I live in a dry county.

The solution is Mr. T's, a 7-day-a-week, 365-days-a-year liquor store just across the state line in Missouri. It's just east of Paragould, optimatorArk., and 20.5 miles from my driveway.

And, in addition to the usual domestic offerings you would expect, they have a nice selection of imports including my personal favorite, Spaten Optimator.

But the beer on my desk at the moment is a Birra Moretti, an Italian import. I bought a six-pack of it along with my Optimator because Maria is of Italian heritage and fancies things Italian.

I'm not all that dazzled with Birra Moretti, so the remaining five are all hers.birra

But knowing that I'm less than a half-hour away from a source of Spaten Optimator, the nectar of the Teutonic gods, is a glorious discovery, made even sweeter by Sunday and holiday sales. I was at least 35 minutes from the nearest store that sold Optimator when I lived in Thorntown and that was Kahn's Liquors in Carmel. Kahn's has a dizzying array of stuff, but very abbreviated hours and, of course, no Sunday or holiday sales.

I think this move is gonna work out just fine.  

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